Sprint Report for Stakeholders – Tutorials

Getting started

How to get started with Sprint Report for Stakeholders. For a written, step-by-step guide, please click here.

Overview of the generated report

When providing a Sprint report to stakeholders it is important to include only the most relevant information. Watch this video to see an overview of what is included in the report created by Sprint Report for Stakeholders.

The “Summary” section

The “Sprint Summary” section of the Sprint report sets the scene and gives your stakeholders an overview of what was the focus of your team. Watch this video for tips on what to include in your summary.

The “Sprint Detail” section

The “Sprint Detail” section of the report provides stakeholders with an understanding of the Product Backlog items the team has been working on. Watch this video to gain an understanding of what details to provide about each Product Backlog item, and how to capture feedback given by stakeholders.

The “Impediments” section

An important step in aligning expectations with stakeholders is to make them aware of the impediments that the team has been experiencing. Watch this video to see how impediments can be captured and communicated effectively. 

The “Risks” section

To build trust and confidence with stakeholders requires the foresight of potential set backs and issues the team may experience. This can be done by communicating the potential risks currently experienced by the team. Watch this video to see how you can include risks within the report.

The “Other Updates” section

The “Other Updates” section provides a space to capture any other relevate information for your stakeholders. Watch this video for examples of what that might be and how to use the section effectively.

The “What’s Next” section

Give your stakeholders a preview of what the team will be focusing on in the next Sprint to align expectations, and make any final adaptations. Watch this video for tips of filling in this section.

Sharing the report

Sharing the report can be done with the in-built features of Confluence. Watch this video to see how.

Configuring the report

Details within the “Sprint Details” section can be omitted if needed. Watch this video to see how this can be done using the Configuration panel within Sprint Report for Stakeholders.

Connecting to another Confluence instance

Changing the Confluence Site to export to can be done from the Configuration panel within Sprint Report for Stakeholders. Watch this video for a demostration of how it’s done.

We’re here to help!

Have questions or need support? You can contact the team at AxisAgile Apps here.